Colour vision deficency correction
We manufacture eyeglasses for colour blindness problems
Colour vision issues happen because of a problem with the pigments in the eye.
There are cells on the retina (the light sensitive cells at the back of the eye) that react to light called cones and rods.
The cones contain photopigments which react to different wavelengths of light, these correspond to certain colours. When all the cones have all the correct pigments, vision is fine, but with even one faulty pigment, a person may not see certain colours correctly.
If there are no pigments in the cones at all, this is known as achromatopsia, which means colour can’t be seen at all, but this is a rare condition. So if the green photopigment doesn’t work properly, the person may be red/green colour defective, meaning they may struggle to differentiate between varying shades of red, brown, green and orange.
There are two common types of colour blindness. Based on their genetic origin, several types of colour vision deficiency and colour blindness can be distinguished.
The most common ones occur in the L and M cones region, called Protanomaly, Protanopy, in short “Protan” or Deuteranomaly, Deuteranopy, in short “Deutan”.
The Colorlite test made by our Optometrists, provides a complete colour vision diagnosis (type and severity), which is necessary to provide a custom colour correction prescription. This is similar to the way an eye care professional tests your vision and provides a custom vision prescription. As a result of these types of problems, Colorlite colour blind glasses are personalized to your unique colour blindness and vision prescription with most kind of frames.
Here are some FAQ:
How long does it take to have Colorlite eyeglasses?
It takes about 10 days, depending on which type of correction lens is chosen.
Is Colorlite correction also available for corrective eyeglasses?
Yes, Colorlite corrective layer may be applied in any type of corrective lens (single vision, progressive, bifocal or powerless).
Any kind of frame can be chosen?
Yes, Colorlite lenses can be applied to any kind of frame.
Why colour blindness corrective lenses are tinted?
The colour spectrum that reach our eyes, can be changed correctly only with tinted lenses, so coloured lenses are the side effect of colour blindness correction technology.
Do I need UV layer protection?
Yes, this is strongly recommended. Colour blindness corrective lenses, take up 40% of the incoming light. Our eyes may simply adapt themselves dilating the pupils. UV protective layer, remove harmful UV light below 400 nanometers. In addition to the UV protection layer, the lenses are also coated with a scratch-resistant coating that makes the lenses harder to scratch in time.
Can I use colour blindness corrective eyeglasses at night?
It's not recommended to use this kind of eyeglasses at night, since colour blindness corrective lenese absorb slightly 40% of incoming light. However, current legislation allows this kind of use, so it's really subjective.